During a disagreement, there can be many reversals. The greater the polarization, the more frequent these reversals occur
Polarization flattens both sides, like a coin
A polarized view flattens itself by way of circular reasoning
When confronted with an absence, what does water do?
When confronted with a mystery, what will the mind do?
Is it wise for the mind to be as water to a mystery?
We all have our good and bad qualities
Private and public selves
People want to be seen as desirable
SPOILERS AHEAD: Michael Moore deserves a lot of credit for this film. Over two decades ago, he personalized the documentary by inserting himself into it, and while that has created a great deal of controversy, it has also provided a template for others to follow that proves to be quite effective. This template takes the form of thought, followed by action, powered by the heart. And with his latest film “What is a Woman”, Matt Walsh replicates the template with impressive results.
Grand River Overpass, King St. by Greg McCann
Currents move through the water, carrying debris that gathers as sediment along a shoreline. Over time this sediment forms into a sandbar, and eventually, a beach.
People gather at the beach: to fish, to swim, and eventually, to venture forth from that shoreline, out across the water and towards the horizon.